2.4mR Club Cruising Dragon Etchells OTB Regatta Sailing Sailing documents VX One

2021-2022 Sailing Calendars

Sailing Program – listed below. Keelboats One Design Cruising Group Calendar OTB Sprint Thursday racing 6pm to 7:30pm Laser Training Thursdays from 4:30pm to 6pm Sunday afternoon (2-4pm) racing staring Sunday 6th Feb to Mid April

Club Sailing Uncategorized


TOWER RACING Results 21-22 Results 20-21 CENTRE COURSE RACING Results Results Brighton Championship Fixed Time Race 30.01.21 ETCHELLS RACING Results 2.4MR RACING Results DRAGONS RACING Results OTB RACING Results

Club Newsletter Sailing

RBYC Tower Weather

Sailors we have recently connected the RBYC towers weather to the Web and this has facilitated the data being available to all via computer or mobile devices. I have prepared the following document to allow you to create your own personal account.