Club Newsletter Social

Lighthouse Foundation

While at the club over the next few weeks, consider an online donation to the Lighthouse Foundation, helping break the pattern of youth homelessness in Australia. You will see posters around the club and use the QR code, and can write your festive season wishes on one of the Wishing Tree tags provided – or […]

Club Sailing Sailing documents


The annual RBYC BLiSS regatta will be held on 30 April 2023 and is the last of the five Race Days of the Port Phillip Women’s Championship Series (PPWCS). This year we are offering a TRAINING DAY for competitors ahead of the regatta, in the Club’s Quest sailing dinghies for a nominal fee. This is […]



The following is adapted from an email received by a member. We thought the sentiments really hit the mark so are sharing them with you.This year has been another unprecedented year with COVID still lurking, restrictions eased (thank goodness) but the stress, anxiety and general chaos ever present. Workloads and demands ramp up this time […]


Christmas Trading Hours


ORCV Melbourne-Hobart Yacht Race.

Article by Marnie Irving Start at noon off Portsea pier, Tuesday 27th December.435 blue-water nautical miles out The Heads / through The Rip, across the choppy seas of Bass Strait with a tactical decision to sail east or west of King Island, down the wilderness west coast of Tassie and through the Southern Ocean swell […]

Club Icebergers

Iceberger News

2022 Olsen Hooper It was great to see the namesakes of todays race, John Olsen & Robert Hooper arrive to watch you all compete. Results 2022 Olsen Hooper over a traditional Big Course. Winner, Lucas Tucker in a nett time of 31:14 adjusted for handicap to 31:14 (think about it!), second Ben Stanford in a […]


ORCV Media Release

Ginan’s perfect start to a Summer of Offshore Racing. It was a clean sweep for co-skippers Nigel Jones and Cam McKenzie on their J111 yacht ‘Ginan’ in the Ocean Racing Club of Victoria’s (ORCV) West Offshore Products Coastal Sprint 2, where thirty yachts enjoyed what could only be described as a perfect summer’s day of […]

Club Sailing Sailing documents

Commodores Report Dec

December is traditionally a time for end of year plans, and for reflection. The club is bustling with member functions as well as community and private events.  Let’s acknowledge our terrific staff. I know they love working at RBYC and enjoy seeing the clubhouse vibrant and busy – at the same time some of them […]


OTB Laser states report:

The Laser squadron did RBYC proud at the Laser (ILCA) States this weekend. A highly competitive fleet of over 50 boats competed, including a large contingent of talented young sailors through to experienced great grand masters.Our RBYC team put in a strong performance in light conditions on Saturday and strong and shifty conditions on Sunday.In […]

Club Sailing

ORCV Bowman Course

As someone who has spent some time up the pointy end of the boat in the past, I was looking to further my knowledge of everything bow-work when I enrolled in the ORCV Bowman course. I was looking for helpful tips and tricks, as well as to understand what was best practice forward of the […]