Club Dragon Etchells Junior and Youth Keelboats OTB Sailing Training

Etchells Sailing at RBYC

The Etchells fleet is keen to get more crew involved. Some boats are looking for permanent crew – but to begin with, why not come and try sailing on an Etchells during our Winter series (remaining racing days are 20 August, 3 September and 17 September). You do need some sailing experience, but keelboat or […]

Club Events Junior and Youth Newsletter OTB Sailing Training

Training Update

Welcome out of winter! Update from Laura After a cold and wet winter, we are finally able to look forward to some warmth and sunshine as we plan for the summer months. As the calendar comes together this season is looking to be one of our biggest yet! SEPTEMBER HOLIDAY PROGRAM We will have two […]

Club Events Sailing Social Uncategorized

Presentation Night Review

Cocktail Party a celebration of the season that was. Members and guests enjoyed last Friday Night’s cocktail party, including the presentation of major awards. The band “Donkey on the edge” enlivened the Bayview room, while we all enjoyed canapes and the opportunity to catch up with friends. The presentation of major awards by Commodore Peter […]

Club Events Newsletter Sailing Social Uncategorized

Commodores Report August

Marina Dredging The General Committee is acutely aware of the sand build up within the marina. Now that the boating channel is cleared, we are planning the dredging within the marina. The Club has a 10 year permit for dredging established in 2019. Discussions with Parks Victoria and our Marine Consultants Water Technology have advised […]

Club Events Newsletter Sailing Uncategorized

Part of Our History On Display

The above mementos were collected by Jock Sturrock’s wife Betty on their trips around the world to yacht clubs and sailing events. This collection has been lovingly preserved by Betty’s brother Doug Jones, his wife Elaine and their daughters Michelle and Claudia, who have donated it to Royal Brighton Yacht Club for members to enjoy. […]

2.4mR Club Club coach tip of the week Cruising Dragon Etchells Events Keelboats Newsletter OTB Regatta Sailing Volunteers VX One

Trivia / Quiz Night – August 19th, 2022

For this August’s third Friday Dinner, we will be holding a fun, nautically themed Kahoot Trivia / Quiz night, with our very own Bryan Drummond as Quizmaster. Come along and enjoy a 2 course dinner in the Bayview Room, to be followed by a fun, nautically themed, Kahoot Quiz night, hosted by the Cruising Group. Questions are put up […]

Club Events Newsletter Sailing Training

Club Auditors Needed

Yacht clubs are now required to undertaken independent Safety Equipment Audits. To do these we need to recruit members to become a AS Club Equipment Auditor (CEA) or National Equipment Auditor (NEA) CEA’s do safety auditors for vessel hold a Cat 4 – 7 ratings NEA’s do safety audits for vessels holding Cat 1 – […]


Etchells Worlds @ RBYC

Etchells Class at RBYC The club is coming up to our 150th anniversary in 2025, which provides lots of opportunity to reflect on our history. One-design racing has always been a big part of this, and the club has a long-standing and close relationship with the Etchells Class. Many of us remember the Etchells Worlds […]


ORCV race report

Patriot was the clear winner in a race of snakes and ladders. Local knowledge as the winds softened gave Jason Close, skipper of the J133 ‘Patriot’ the advantage to win overall in a fleet of 34 yachts in Saturday’s ORCV Winter Series 30nm race to Blairgowrie. The mixed fleet competing in the racing and cruising […]

Club Marina and Hardstand Newsletter Sailing Sailing documents Training

Mooring in the marina

We ask all boat owners take a moment to read this article on the best practices for dock lines in the RBYC marina