Club Events Icebergers Junior and Youth Marina and Hardstand Newsletter Restaurant Sailing Social Training

Annual General Meeting

19th September 2023, 253 Esplanade, Brighton, 1900 Annual Report (print version) Notice of Annual General Meeting including agenda Minutes Half Yearly General Meeting Election of Flag Officers, Honorary Treasurer & General Committee 2023-2024 Please click on link below to see Nominee information supplied

Club Uncategorized

Boating Manager Report

Well, it’s not long now until the new season gets underway, and we have a bit on. I thought it would be a good time to update you all on what’s coming up.Over the next few weeks, we have skippers’ briefings, a MOB information session, and a Race Management evening. These provide invaluable information and […]

Club Cruising Sailing

Annual Progressive Dinner

The annual Progressive Dinner, hosted by the Cruising Group, will be held on the evening of Friday, October 20th, 2023. ALL WELCOME, be you a boat owner or non-boat owner, a racer, cruiser, aquatic or social member. This is always an excellent evening to get to know other club members, as the dinners are in […]


News From GC 5/9/23

Vice Commodore’s Report If the first weekend of Spring is any indication, it looks like we are in for some fantastic sailing days ahead. The weekend saw RBYC boats competing in one design, OTB sailing and in the final race of the ORCV Discount Yachting Winter Series. In the latter, 36 yachts started in the […]

2.4mR Club Club coach tip of the week Cruising Dragon Etchells Events Icebergers Junior and Youth Keelboats Marina and Hardstand Newsletter OTB Regatta Restaurant Sailing Sailing documents Social Training Uncategorized Volunteers VX One

Friday 15th September: Guest Speaker Dinner.

To recommence our monthly Guest Speaker Dinners after a short winter break, Rear Commodore Peter Gebhardt will present Diving the Indonesian Archipelago. Last month, Peter and Allison enjoyed a scuba diving trip to East Kalimantan, and Peter will present highlights from this trip, along with other diving destinations they have visited in Indonesia in earlier […]

Club Newsletter

General Manager Report – August

GM ReportWe are approaching the Annual General Meeting and publication of the RBYC Annual Report, a time to take stock of the past year. There are several projects underway which will extend into the coming year, as well as some work which is near completion. Here is a snapshot of some of the current activities. […]

Club Sailing Training

Junior/Youth Training News

Sailing Pathways The September School holidays are coming up – a great opportunity for young people to learn to sail or improve their sailing through our training programs. We have tweaked our pathways to encourage young sailors to become club members and part of our Junior and Youth Racing squads. Once the pre-requisite courses have […]


News from GC – Peter Coleman

Hello fellow members.One of the best things about heading to Europe for world and National Championships for 6 weeks is coming home to our club. I am sure most people feel the same way, as it is plain hard work, pretty sure I will never need my passport again.I was very fortunate to travel with […]


Frostbite Regatta

The Frostbite Regatta is the annual challenge that has been conducted between a team of senior sailors representing the Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron and Royal Brighton Yacht Club since 1965. The winning team led by the Commodore takes home the highly sought-after “Wee Drap O’ Yarra” – and that is literally a bottle full of […]


RBYC at Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo

We have some talented sailors at RBYC with other amazing talents also. George Henderson is currently in Scotland performing in The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Preparation has included several practice sessions, one of which went for 14 Hours!  The first show was on Friday 4 August. Prior to this, George was playing with the Scots […]