Club Newsletter

Why Volunteer?

As I write this report, I reflect on the weekend.  Well done to the boats that went racing and to the Race Management team. The weather did play havoc with cancellation of the second race of the Victorian Keelboat championships, (Range Series) on Saturday due to nasty wind and sea state, but one race was completed.

There is a small but growing group of members who meet on a Thursday morning to undertake work on the Clubs’ rescue boat fleet. The two latest members are pictured.

Apart from the volunteering on a Thursday, the club is always looking out for volunteers to learn about race management. You may ask yourself why volunteer.

Volunteering at the yacht club offers a number of advantages, both for individuals and the community. Here are the benefits.

1. Skill Development: Volunteering at the yacht club provides an excellent opportunity to acquire and enhance a wide range of skills. Whether it’s learning to sail, managing events, or maintaining boats, volunteers can gain valuable experience that can be useful in both personal and professional life.

2. Building Friendships: Volunteering fosters a sense of belonging and community. Working with other volunteers and club members creates lasting friendships and a strong support network. This communal spirit can lead to a greater sense of connectedness and happiness.

3. Access to Yachting: Volunteering grants access to club facilities and expeiences that might be otherwise inaccessible.

4. Personal Satisfaction: The act of volunteering is inherently fulfilling. Knowing that your contributions are helping to maintain the yacht club and make it a better place for all members brings a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.

5. Leadership Development: Taking on leadership roles in volunteering, such as organizing events or managing projects, can help in developing leadership and organizational skills that are valuable in various aspects of life.

6. Contributing to the Community: Volunteering at the yacht club is not just about personal gain. It’s about giving back to the community and ensuring the club continues to thrive. Your efforts contribute to the overall success and longevity of the club, benefiting all its members.

7. Mental and Physical Health: Spending time outdoors and being active on the water can have positive effects on mental and physical health. Volunteering at the yacht club provides an excellent opportunity for exercise and fresh air, reducing stress and promoting well-being.

In conclusion, volunteering at the yacht club offers a wealth of personal and community benefits. From skill development to a sense of belonging, the opportunities for personal growth and fulfillment are plentiful. So, if you’re considering becoming a volunteer at the yacht club, you’ll likely find that the rewards extend far beyond the work you put in.

Good luck to all those sailing away this coming weekend, Sailing to Devonport, down to Queenscliff or sailing at the Club. Have fun and be safe.

Murray Cowdell