Club Newsletter

Reflections from the Stonehaven Cup regatta

January has been regatta month, with three terrific regattas so far, and one more to go (the 2.4 Nationals). Ray Smith has written an excellent article about the Stonehaven Cup and the Cadet Centenary Regatta (you can still find it on our website) – I also wanted to share some of my personal experiences.My role […]


Message from Commodore

The most important advice I’ve heard all year is “Be kind”. More about that later. First, I want to acknowledge the many groups of people who have contributed to RBYC over the past year to help make the club what it is. • To all the sailors competing over the next month, whether that be […]

Club Events Newsletter Sailing

Reflections on Opening Day

Thanks to all of you – staff, members and guests, who made Opening Day such an enjoyable event. We were blessed with dry weather and friendly breezes and had a wonderful day. Highlights included…• Bagpipes by George Henderson, just back from playing at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo and winning a World championship.• Formal ceremony introduced […]

Club Events Sailing

Welcome to Opening Day

This week’s wild weather is predicted to finish just in time for Opening Day this Saturday 7th October– it is forecast to be clear with light winds. We’d love to see you there, whether you are a sailor or not. Here is what is happening on the day…11:15 am – before the formalities begin, we […]

Club Newsletter

News From GC – June

The summer sailing season has ended, but there is still a lot of activity at the club. It was terrific to see so many in the members bar on Friday night. The 2.4s educated us about their class, with the help of Ray Smith’s models. At the end of July three club members will be […]


BLiSS Regatta in Review

A stunning autumn day for the BLISS RegattaThe RBYC BLiSS Regatta, which is also “Race 5” of the Port Phillip Women’s Keelboat Regatta (PPWCS), was sailed Sunday 30 April. The stunning autumn day threatened to offer sunshine but no wind. Patience paid off, and Race Officer Lou Hutton was able to provide the 16 boats […]

Club Sailing

Cyan Moon: divisional win in Sydney-Hobart Race

A special congratulations to RBYC member Wayne Seaward and his Beneteau Oceanis 473, Cyan Moon, which came 1st in PHS in the Sydney Hobart, wining the RANSA Trophy and the CYCA Trophy. Wayne mounted a well organised campaign, recruiting 5 men and 5 women from Victoria Queensland and New South Wales. These were Navigator Ian […]

Club Sailing Sailing documents

Commodores Report Dec

December is traditionally a time for end of year plans, and for reflection. The club is bustling with member functions as well as community and private events.  Let’s acknowledge our terrific staff. I know they love working at RBYC and enjoy seeing the clubhouse vibrant and busy – at the same time some of them […]


Commodore’s Report November 22

What a wild weekend. Crews scheduled to race to Devonport revised their plans when the race was cancelled, and boats owners were checking their lines to make sure all was secure. I had the pleasure of attending Opening Day at Queenscliff Cruising Yacht Club and was reminded of the close relationship between QCYC and RBYC. […]

Club Newsletter Social

Commodores Report

I look forward to the opening of the sailing season next Saturday, and invite all members to participate whether you be sailors or not. There are events throughout the day including a celebration in the club after sailing, from around 4:00 pm onwards, with a terrific band and great company. All are welcome and you […]