Club Sailing Sailing documents

Message From General Committee

It has been really pleasing to see the growing Laser fleet getting out on Sundays for some high quality racing. The fleet welcomes beginners and has some highly competitive expert sailors as well. Then if you want the additional excitement of an asymmetrical kite there are the RS100s!!.Single handed OTB sailing and more importantly racing, […]

Club Sailing Uncategorized

RBYC at Blairegowrie

Two Brighton crews took part in the first Blairegowrie Women’s Sportsboat Regattas in a fleet of J70s in challenging conditions over the weekend. After the first four races the team of Lily Richardson, Chloe Fisher, Matilda Richardson, Laura Thomson and Anna Cripsey were in the lead in their group. Unfortunately the second group races were […]

Club Newsletter Sailing Social

Honorary Treasurers Report

Having been Treasurer a number of years ago, I am pleased to fill the role again. Like technology, processes have moved on and become much more automated – gone are the days of having an account and and cheques being drawn. However, the fundamentals of financial management and governance are the same. The Finance Committee, […]

Club Cruising Events Newsletter Sailing

Cruising Group Christmas Hardstand Party

The Annual Cruising Group Christmas Hardstand Party will be held on Saturday 10th December, from 6pm (Note the change of date from a previously advertised 3rd December). BYO BBQ food and drinks, and enjoy our annual end of year get together with friends and fellow Cruisers. All welcome.

Club Cruising Events Newsletter Sailing Sailing documents Uncategorized

2023 Bass Strait Cruise in Company

An information evening for the 2023 Bass Strait Cruise in Company  (Sat 25th Feb to Mon 13th Mar, 2023) will be held at the Club on Friday 9th December 2022 at 6:00pm. Please let Terry Frankham ([email protected]) know if you might be interested in participating in this Cruise in Company. The emphasis of this “Cruise […]

Club Events Sailing Social

Progressive Dinner October 2022

By Pam Merritt In 2007 we tentatively held our first Progressive Dinner on cruising boats around the marina. I wasn’t sure how it would work and if it’d be successful. It was, and quickly became a popular annual event.On Friday 21st October we held the 15th Progressive Dinner with 18 guests and 24 boat owners. […]

Keelboats Sailing

Lady Nelson Trophy Race

Race Entry now Open: Enter HERE The Lady Nelson Trophy was donated by Past Commodore A. W. Finlay (1946/47) to encourage yachts on the RBYC register to compete in long-distance overnight racing around Port Phillip. In recent years the interest in this type of racing has greatly diminished. As a result, Sailing Committee is […]

Club Icebergers Sailing Social Training Uncategorized

General Committee Report

The sailing season is well underway with some great sailing and excellent participation levels and everyone is having fun, so thank you all volunteers.The WASZP fleet held a two day travelling regatta in October with some interstate sailors joining the growing RBYC fleet, it was quite the spectacle and they had a great time and […]

Club Events Newsletter Sailing Social

Message from GC Member Marnie Irving

Our Club Captain Brett Heath and our boating manager Colin Burgess, with others’ help, plan racing and regattas months or even years in advance. One event on our annual calendar is BLiSS; namely, Brighton Ladies’ Skipper Series. It’s still half a year away, (on Sunday 1st May,) but worth keeping in mind. Worth it because, […]

Club Cruising Marina and Hardstand Newsletter Sailing Sailing documents

Guest Speaker Dinner

Friday 18th November 2022 For this month’s Guest Speaker Dinner, we are pleased to have Peter and Karen Johns entertain us with tales of their water borne travels in Europe. So please join us in the Bayview Room for “Joie de Vivre V goes to Europe, being the adventures of a beached old sailor and his […]