
News From GC – Rear Commodore

Hello MembersLooking back at the last few General Committee weekly updates, we have been reminded that the cold weather is really upon us; however, it is pleasing to see that many events are still happening around the club, both on and off the water.We had the Frostbite Cruise up to Melbourne City Marina; the weekend […]


News From GC – 30 May

Well it is that time of the year when certain activities at the Club slow up, in particular the centre course racing, which is having a break for a couple of months. That of course does not mean the sailing will stop altogether. There will be keel boat racing conducted from the tower and some […]


GM Report: May

As the summer sailing season draws to a close, we remind everyone that the club is great to visit in winter as well – not just for ongoing sailing and swimming but also for cosy catch-ups in the restaurant and member’s bar. You will have seen the signs at the front and rear of the […]


Friday 19th May: Guest Speaker Dinner.

Come along and hear Wayne Seaward explore the challenges, barriers, and excitement of crew selection, training and development, boat preparation, along with the pitfalls and joy of entering a Rolex Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race for the first time, at 71 years of age. Wayne will tell the story and triumphs of Cyan Moon’s 2022 […]


Friday 21st April: Guest Speaker Dinner.

In 2020, Christiaan de Beukelaur spent much of the year at sea, aboard the century old schooner Avontuur, carting cargo across the Atlantic. The Avontuur set sail from Elsfleth, Germany, to show that wind propulsion offers an alternative to heavily polluting cargo ships. Christiaan’s voyage was meant to be a three-week stint of fieldwork. He wanted to […]


Footy Tipping

Hi everyone, On the field: both the Thursday and Friday night games to start season 2023 were enthralling. The Blues and Tigers played a closely fought game that either team could have won, so it was probably befitting that the game ended in a draw. Carlton probably had the better of the play for 3 […]

Club Uncategorized

2.4mR Australian National Championship at Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania

RBYC has developed a very nice little fleet of the mini keel boat, the 2.4mR, over recent years. There is a lot of energy in the class and when the National Championships were held in Tasmania in early February, eight skippers arranged to take their boats to Hobart for the event. If you say it […]


How to Sail Safe

Sailing is about speed and exploration and adventure and camaraderie and skills and seamanship and the joys of the ocean. Underlying all these is safety. Below are a few tips that came to mind whilst I was the medical officer for the ORCV 2022 Melbourne-Hobart Westcoaster. Many are just as relevant for any sailing trip […]

Club Cruising Newsletter Sailing Sailing documents Uncategorized

RBYC Cruising Group Annual Birthday Cruise

The 32nd RBYC Cruising Group Annual Birthday Cruise to the Royal Yacht Club of Victoria at Williamstown for lunch will take place on Sunday January 15th, 2023 This annual event started in January 1991 when the newly formed Cruising Division of RBYC had their first outing, sailing to RYCV. We have continued the tradition ever […]



The following is adapted from an email received by a member. We thought the sentiments really hit the mark so are sharing them with you.This year has been another unprecedented year with COVID still lurking, restrictions eased (thank goodness) but the stress, anxiety and general chaos ever present. Workloads and demands ramp up this time […]