

Our November Guest Speaker will be Rod Cuthbert – Six months Cruising Southern Tasmania. Late last year, Rod departed Melbourne in Halcyon and crossed Bass Strait for what was initially planned to be six weeks of cruising and exploring the East Coast of Tasmania. Six months of extensive cruising these in these southern waters later, […]


RBYC 150th anniversary book

– seeking submissions The club will be producing a book to celebrate its history, honouring it and its members. It provides a historical souvenir of the club in 2025 and a reference for future generations to look back on in 50 or 100 years.  Don Warner and John Scanlon are seeking your submissions. You can contribute […]


Cruising News

ANNUAL PROGRESSIVE DINNER – FRIDAY October 20th. What a fantastic evening for the Cruising Group’s annual Progressive Dinner, held last Friday, October 30th.  True to the weather forecast, we enjoyed a warm balmy evening – which, as we know, is not always a given in October – for several hours of eating, drinking and good […]


New From GC 24/10

Hello fellow members.Being a couple of weeks into our new season and we are just waiting for the weather for a complete weekend to play ball, sadly there is nothing we can do about that. Fortunately, Saturday turned out to be a good sailing day.This week Wednesday Hearns Heroes and Wednesday twilight racing had wonderful […]

Keelboats Sailing Training Uncategorized

KeelBoat Training

RBYC is now offering the Australian Sailing Keelboat training courses. Courses are design for beginners as well as those with experience. So if you are looking to see what keelboat sailing is all about or want to develop your skills then check out what we have on offer using the below link


Work For Us

Join a vibrant and fun place to work. RBYC is always looking for quality instructors and coaches to join the team. Year round work with busy summer and school holiday periods. Dinghy, Keelboat and Powerboat courses are offered for all age groups. Competitive salary, uniform and paid training is on offer. Full details can be […]


Retiring JayKay

The club maintains a fleet of rescue boats but eventually every boat reaches its “use by date” where it is time for retirement, usually because the cost of maintenance is outweighing the cost of replacement, or because the boat has become unreliable. This month the club retired the 4.2m rhib “JayKay” and it is now […]

Club Newsletter Uncategorized

60 Years On

60 years on … Reflections from Leigh LansdownAt our recent AGM several members celebrated major membership milestones. One of these was Leigh Lansdown who reached his 60 year anniversary as a member. We thought his reflections worth sharing…On receiving advice of this “milestone”, I was reminded of Groucho Marx’ famous quote…..“Any Club that would have […]


Sail Pass

Come Sailing at RBYC What is Sail Pass and who is it for?Sail Pass is a temporary membership to RBYC. It allows non members to go sailing on member’s boats during the summer twilight season. Sail Pass is for anyone looking to get on the water and experience a yacht club before committing to a […]

Club Uncategorized

Boating Manager Report

Well, it’s not long now until the new season gets underway, and we have a bit on. I thought it would be a good time to update you all on what’s coming up.Over the next few weeks, we have skippers’ briefings, a MOB information session, and a Race Management evening. These provide invaluable information and […]