
Vice Commodore’s Report

During the weekend just past, the Club ran the Big Boat Day for OTB sailors. Originally developed by the RBYC Cruising Group, the Big Boat Day gives OTB sailors of all ages and their parents the opportunity to experience sailing on a keelboat. This year 9 skippers kindly donated their yachts and crew allowing 50 young and not so young OTB sailors and their coaches to sail a course from RBYC to R4, to R2 and back to RBYC. The morning started off with grey skies and 15 knots from the west, allowing boats a fast reach to R4. The clouds soon cleared and the yachts were sailing in a glorious Autumn day with blue skies and gentle breezes. On behalf of the Club, I’d like to thank the organisers, skippers, crews and coaches for providing a memorable day out for our OTB sailors.

Amongst all the young sailors out there on Sunday, some barely tall enough to see over the steering wheel, there are the future champions and, just as important, leaders of our Club. The sailing office is working hard, with some success, to rebuild OTB sailing after the COVID lockdowns decimated not only sailing, but all organised sport. Unlike in the past, there is greater competition for young peoples’ time and we need to find a way to capture that time and develop a strong cadre of young sailors at the Club. Many of today’s yachtsman and leaders started at the Club at a junior level. I would encourage parents and young people to talk to the sailing office and in particular our new training co-ordinator Craig Cobbin, about the junior and youth sailing pathways available at RBYC.

For those already at the Club, there are a few ways for you to become more involved in the running of your Club and I would encourage you to do so. First, although our Club rules limit all but senior members joining the General Committee, ample scope remains to join one of the Club’s Sub- Committees where you can make an active contribution as is the case currently with the Social Committee and Inclusion and Diversity Advisory Group. Secondly, you can have your say by completing the Membership Survey sent to all members last week. Following from the membership survey conducted in 2021 we are looking to compare data and get your feedback on what you enjoy and what you are looking for from the club. This survey won’t take long and your responses are anonymous. There are multiple-choice questions as well as the opportunity to add your comments. Finally, please feel free to contact myself, or any member of the General Committee with any suggestions for improving your experience at RBYC.

Wishing you fair winds and following seas and remember no bananas at sea.

Vice Commodore
Peter Demura