Club Newsletter

Report from General Manager May 24

On 13th May the builders come on site to start work on the forecourt redevelopment. This will cause some disruption for 16 weeks, but we are doing everything we can to minimise the impact to members and patrons of the club’s facilities.

A reminder that the forecourt redevelopment is the next stage of the Club’s master plan, building a circular driveway at the front of the club, with an improved façade. This will improve accessibility as well as modernising the appearance of the club.

Our Club Architect Scott Shelton and I have met with the builder Long Contracting and some preliminary works have been completed, including moving the gas meter and clearing obstructions from the front of the club. During the works the club is very much still “open for business” in all respects, with the entrance to the restaurant, function rooms and members bar being through the rear entrance. Signage will direct members and the general public. The following points should be noted;

  • The car park entrance and exit will both be via the council car park. Signage and an extra boom gate controller will control the flow of traffic. All cars entering the car park must keep right and proceed directly to the upper carpark. To exit the car park turn left and proceed down the northern ramp, turn left at the bottom and proceed carefully to exit. Cars exiting must give way to cars entering the car park.
  • A portion of car spaces on the top carpark are required for the builders site office. Other than this, all car parks are available. During this period, the reserved car spots on the lower level will made available to all members.
  • The restaurant furniture will be re-arranged to enable a corridor entrance to the club via the southernmost door of the restaurant.
  • Entrance to the gym, change rooms, sauna and steam room are not affected. However, members should be aware of increased traffic at the beach side of the club.

In other news;

  • Lighting to upgrade the sign on southern face of clubhouse has been ordered.
  • CCTV Cameras have been installed to cover the marina entrance and hardstand, and on the tower to cover the marina. Footage is accessed as needed (ie if an incident is reported) and retained for approximately one month.
  • A new breakfast menu will be introduced at the beginning of May with lunch and dinner menus to follow a week later.
  • The Club has provided input to the Bayside Council regarding the Dendy Beach Visitor Management Plan, recommending the inclusion of the club as part of the plan.  
  • Marina and attenuator repairs are in progress now that parts have been received.

We are excited about this next stage in our Club’s development and look forward to enjoying the upcoming season with an improved facility.


Philip Hall General Manager