
News From GC, 26 April

I had so much fun on Sunday! At the Quests’ Training Day, an event linked to BLiSS (‘Brighton Ladies’ Skipper Series’), and most generously sponsored by YRSA, designer of AMS rating system. So much fun learning, being involved in Club activities, being in a dinghy in a gorgeous 10 knots. Chloe and her colleagues were […]


News From GC

Dear MembersAs another summer sailing season nears its end, it was pleasing to see increased keelboat participation, particularly on Wednesdays in the Twilight races. We saw strong participation in many classes in regattas held around the bay and interstate throughout the season. During the Half Yearly AGM, I presented our Club Captains report, highlighting other […]

Club Sailing

Sailing Sign On

As well as a safety measure, the sign on system provides the Race Officer of the day with useful information as to how many boats might be sailing, what classes, etc. This not only helps in determining race layouts with length of start lines but on days of marginal conditions it assists the Race Officer […]


Commodore’s report

While most of us were enjoying the blustery Easter weekend indoors, six intrepid boats started the trip to Port Fairy with four finishing the “character building” race. Congratulations to all crews and especially to the RBYC crew on Jaffa – links to reports and results are further down in this newsletter. Fortunately, the cutting wind […]


Friday 21st April: Guest Speaker Dinner.

In 2020, Christiaan de Beukelaur spent much of the year at sea, aboard the century old schooner Avontuur, carting cargo across the Atlantic. The Avontuur set sail from Elsfleth, Germany, to show that wind propulsion offers an alternative to heavily polluting cargo ships. Christiaan’s voyage was meant to be a three-week stint of fieldwork. He wanted to […]


Member Profile

Members have enjoyed the member profiles we’ve provided over the past few weeks. Here is a piece from Miriam Cherry, owner and skipper of the yacht Lena. When we came to Australia in 1968, the only clubs that would accept women members were Hastings YC and Hobsons Bay YC, so we sailed our 24ft Endeavour […]


News from GC

March has been an extremely busy month at the club both on and off the water and it’s been fun to get involved. On the water I’ve had the chance to get out on a rescue boat during the VX! Regatta, help bring boats in off the beach for the George Mac, as well as […]


News from GC

From GC Member Nick BarberAt the half yearly meeting on 21 March it was interesting to hear the sub-committee reports, with a lot of progressive and diverse activity in flight at the club. This work all blends to make it an enjoyable, safe, fun, and inclusive environment which imbues a welcoming and positive culture for […]


Sailing Lifts Your Spirits season wrap up 2022/2023

We are a start up charity who take healthcare workers and first responders out for 2hr sailing experiences – to help boost their mental wellbeing. Our pilot program has been successfully running out of RBYC on Thursday evenings for 3 seasons now. Last Thursday was the final sailing event for this season and we reached […]


Footy Tipping

Hi everyone, On the field: both the Thursday and Friday night games to start season 2023 were enthralling. The Blues and Tigers played a closely fought game that either team could have won, so it was probably befitting that the game ended in a draw. Carlton probably had the better of the play for 3 […]