
New BBQ Menu

Friday and Saturdays the restaurant is now offering a BBQ menu. Cooked by our chefs on the patio BBQ and served with chips, salads and condiments

Club Events Newsletter Sailing

Reflections on Opening Day

Thanks to all of you – staff, members and guests, who made Opening Day such an enjoyable event. We were blessed with dry weather and friendly breezes and had a wonderful day. Highlights included…• Bagpipes by George Henderson, just back from playing at the Edinburgh Military Tattoo and winning a World championship.• Formal ceremony introduced […]

Club Newsletter Uncategorized

60 Years On

60 years on … Reflections from Leigh LansdownAt our recent AGM several members celebrated major membership milestones. One of these was Leigh Lansdown who reached his 60 year anniversary as a member. We thought his reflections worth sharing…On receiving advice of this “milestone”, I was reminded of Groucho Marx’ famous quote…..“Any Club that would have […]

Club Icebergers

Swimmers Beware

A reminder to all swimmers. The water area in front of the club is often used for sail training and boat launching. especially during the school holidays and weekends. Please ,when leaving the beach ensure you swim along the pier out to the red mark before head out the channel. Please do not cut across […]


Sail Pass

Come Sailing at RBYC What is Sail Pass and who is it for?Sail Pass is a temporary membership to RBYC. It allows non members to go sailing on member’s boats during the summer twilight season. Sail Pass is for anyone looking to get on the water and experience a yacht club before committing to a […]

Club Events Sailing

Welcome to Opening Day

This week’s wild weather is predicted to finish just in time for Opening Day this Saturday 7th October– it is forecast to be clear with light winds. We’d love to see you there, whether you are a sailor or not. Here is what is happening on the day…11:15 am – before the formalities begin, we […]

Club Newsletter

Christmas Pudding Orders

It is time to start planning your Christmas menu!The RBYC Christmas Pudding Annual Fundraiser will be open soon with on order form to come. This year we are offeringChristmas Puddings:•    Traditional •    Macadamia and Brandy•    Gluten Free•    Date and Toffee•    Triple Chocolate•    Chocolate Orange•    Chocolate Rum and RaisinBoxed Christmas […]


Where were you when Australia II won the America’s Cup on 26 Sept 1983?

Those of you in the members bar on Friday night would have enjoyed the terrific presentation by Greg Wallace celebrating the 40th anniversary of the America’s Cup win. The bar was decorated in green and gold thanks to the social club. The last few minutes of the last race were played, reminding everyone of the […]

Club Restaurant

Welcome New Club Captain

My name is Marnie Irving, and as of the AGM last week, I have taken over from Brett Heath as Club Captain at RBYC. My sailing interest began via my kids; cooking sausages for the sabot sailors, carrying 12 foot cadets over the sand from the Jock Sturrock centre, and then tending bruises to a […]


Commodores Report

A Guide to the Annual Report I have taken time to reflect ahead of this evening’s AGM and look forward to seeing many of you there, not just for the meeting but to meet more informally in the member’s bar afterwards. For those who can’t make it, here are some observations about the past year, […]