
Report from GC – Neil Sargeant on Keelboat Safety

In 1986 as a recently arrived backpacker from England I managed to get a berth on a very interesting boat – a home built 38-foot Harrison Butler wishbone ketch.  Back then safety didn’t seem that important, I think we had some lifejackets on board, may be a few flares, a radio that sometimes worked and […]



On the field: Both Carlton and Geelong were coming off a bye, but the Blues were the ones to hit the ground running. They led by six goals at halftime, and a nine-goal final term saw the margin blow out to 63 points. It was an impressive, percentage-boosting win, which keeps the Blues in second […]


Vice Commodore Report

The Alan Robinson race to Queenscliff sailed over the long weekend very much summed up the 2023-24 sailing season. The winds were light to non-existent and this meant that no boats finished at the West Channel Pile Light by the 1630hr time limit. From memory, most boats were still in the vicinity of RBYC 1 […]


2024 Frostbite Cruise: Weekend of June 29/30th.

The annual Cruising Group Frostbite Cruise up the Yarra will take place on the weekend of June 29/30th, to Melbourne City Marina (Docklands) and will coincide with the Melbourne Firelight Festival.At the time of writing, seven RBYC boats have registered for the cruise. Because of heavy bookings at MCM, including a contingent from RMYS, no […]


GC Report – Debbie Jonkers

We arrived at Coral Sea Marina, our berth for the next 5 months, and popped into the local Chandlery store ( always a treasure trove 🤩) bumping into fellow RBYC member and boating educator Gordon Buchan, a happy surprise!He shared his experience about where the locals anchor around the Whitsunday islands and reefs. Being a […]


What Happening in the Restaurant

Specials New Menu


GC Report – Club Captain

In the Members Bar, over the last three Wednesday evenings, Skippers’ Fora have been held for Off the Beach boats, Keelboats, and One Design boats. These evenings are an opportunity for communication between skippers and interested crew, Race Officers Rod McKenna and Paul Pascoe, and me as Club Captain. We talk about what’s gone well, […]


New Menu

Check out the new lunch and Dinner menu at RBYC Member`s Bar: Monday to Wednesday: 3pm till 7pm – no dinner service Thursday & Friday: 3pm till 9pm Saturday: 12pm till 9pm Sunday 12pm till 7pm- no dinner service Olympic Restaurant & Bar: Monday to Wednesday: 7am till  3pm Thursday & Friday: 7am till 9pm […]


SMART Classes

1st SMART Series 5 June (for Novice Racers)This session is aimed at sailors who have never raced or consider themselves novice racers.• What you need to do to race• Boat and team building• Types of races• Flags and start sequencesHear from Paul Jackson, owner of BKT Jamhu and a racer for many years, and Rod […]


Trophy Nominations

RBYC members are invited to place nominations for this years special trophy award’s. The trophies up for nominations are  J Herlein Award for Yachtspersons of the Year  Phil Bedlington Award for Outstanding Achievement in Sailing at National & International Level  Adam Stevenson Memorial Youth Encouragement Award  John Crosbie Memorial Trophy for Club Person of the […]