The 2.4mR Nationals kicked off on Friday 26th with 20 boats competing. Melbourne weather however put a halt to sailing on day 1 with 25+ knots and 1.5m seas not suitable for this class of boat. In typical Melbourne style day 2 was a complete contrast with nothing over 15 knots all day and a flat sea (perfect sailing conditions for the fleet). Having lost a day RO, Lou Hutton, looked for 4 races on day 2 and the start time was brought forward to help in this. Race 1 was close with less than 5 minutes separating 1st and last. With club 2.4 legend Neil Patterson taking out the honours.The wind then dropped out over the day with race 3 not getting underway until 3pm so 4 races were no longer on the cards. Day 3 was another light day and the fleet dropped to 16,The wind was shifting all morning and easing but race 4 got underway on time in perfect sailing conditions. Race 5 and 6 were run after a bit of course changing and waiting for the breeze. It was a hot day on the water and the fleet were looking forward to a cool drink and a chance to relax in the bar . Another great regatta for RBYC in yet again challenging conditions. RBYC thanks all the sailors that attended and of course our magnificent team of race management volunteers. Overall series winner was Matt Bugg sailing AUS41 representing DSS in Tasmanian. 2nd pace was Neil Patterson (RBYC) and 3rd Peter Russell (YMCASC – ACT). Full Results