
Div 1

Start Time 13:00
Class Flag W
Number of Races 2
Type of Race Windward/Leeward
Spinnaker Yes
Start/Finish location Boat/Boat
Safety Category 6
AMS Vega Award
Angus McIntyre Cup
Brighton Championship
Victorian Championship
ORCc Brian Chapman Trophy
Commodores’ Cup
Brighton Championship
Victorian Championship
PHS Valhalla Trophy
Brighton Championship
Victorian Championship

Div 2

Start Time 13:05
Class Flag E
Number of Races 2
Type of Race Windward/Leeward
Spinnaker Yes
Start/Finish location Boat/Boat
Safety Category 6
AMS Horrie Petley Trophy
Sam’s Bowl
Victorian Championship
ORCc Secours Trophy
Boat Hook Trophy
Victorian Championship
PHS Edwards Cup
Victorian Championship