
Vale David Dyring (Porge)

David Dyring (Porge) passed away last Wednesday morning. He had been a member for some 78 years and will be sadly missed at the Club. Club Captain Marnie Irving echoed the thoughts of many when she said, “I feel privileged to have known Porge’s optimism, generosity, family spirit, and kindness.”

Porge has been a maintenance employee and volunteer at Royal Brighton Yacht Club for several decades. He tried out for the 1956 Olympics in the Star Class, and was a volunteer at the several Worlds regattas, including the 1999 Worlds when RBYC hosted the Solings. Until recently he drove the mark laying boat Redeemer. He was at the helm of Redeemer through all the Worlds, Nationals and States hosted by RBYC in the 2000’s – including Dragons, Etchells, Finns. 

RBYC named the maintenance shed after Porge in recognition of his decades of working and volunteering for the club. On RBYC Opening Day the club honoured Porge by spelling out his name in nautical flags on the club flagpole. On Friday 3 November a number of long term RBYC members and family helped him celebrate his 94th birthday. It was a joyous celebration of our 4th oldest club member, who continued visiting the club regularly. There will be a celebration of Porge’s life at the club on 4 July at 2:00 pm.