
RBYC 150th Anniversary Celebrations – Call for Volunteers

Our Club was formed in 1875 and next year will celebrate its 150th year anniversary.

To celebrate our anniversary, the General Committee, on the advice of a small sub-committee, have in principle approved a very exciting and comprehensive program of events during 2025.  These events are in the initial planning stages and need the help of members to ensure they are well run, successful and befitting the significance of the Club’s important milestone.  To this end, I would like to invite all members, no matter what part of the Club you are associated with, sailing, Icebergers, gym, social and especially junior and intermediate members to contribute to the planning and running of the events.  The planned format is for each event to have its own group of volunteers, lead by an event champion, solely focussed on one event, its own budget and processes to plan and execute that event.

If you or members of your family would like to contribute to making our 150th anniversary celebrations something to be remembered for many years to come could you please send me an email at [email protected] . Without giving too much away at this stage, there is an event planned around our junior and intermediate members and I would like to include them in the planning of their event. In early March, it is envisaged there will be a meeting of interested people to discuss the program and allocate resources to each event.

To paraphrase the immortal JFK “Ask not what your Club can do for you–ask what you can do for your Club.”

Peter Demura

Vice Commodore