Sunday Sailing Volunteering

Every Sunday we are looking for parents, friends or family of our sailors to help us out with a weekly BBQ or the weekly off the beach racing. 

Morning Sessions

Set up & Pack up team

– 8.45am start 12:30pm finish (we can watch the kids after sign out!)

– Help ready and launch the boats

– Assisting wash down of the plastic optimists

– Placing equipment back in the shed

– General sweep and tidy of the training area

On Water

For those that have their Power boat Licence, there is the opportunity to be in a RBYC RHIB as support for the instructors.

End of Sailing BBQ:

– 11:15am start 12:30pm finish

– Cooking sausages on the club BBQ

– Serving sausages in bread for a gold coin donation

Afternoon Sessions

ON water:

– 12:45 start, 4:15pm finish (we can mind the kids while you finish up!)

– Assisting coaches/race management teams

– For those with a Power Boat Licence the opportunity to drive a RBYC Rhib and assist the coaches/ race management

– Recording finishes, raising flags, helping place marks in the water, being on standby on a rescue craft

Things to know

We will always place you with one of our more experienced volunteer team, you won’t have to figure it out all on your own!. Training will be provided.

All volunteers must have a Victorian working with children’s check. These are free for volunteers.

If you are rostered on you will receive an email a week prior. 

For any questions please contact Colin in the sailing office –