Printable Marina Map

Marina Facilities
Toilets are located at main Gate
ICE is available from Ice Box located near Toilets ($4 per bag)
Rubbish Bins located at main gate
Expired batteries recycle box located near toilets
Spill Kits located near toilets in yellow bins
Wheelbarrows are available from the undercroft parking area. These must be returned to the club after use.
Marina Rules
All boat owners and guest must adhere to the Environmental Management System (see below)
Boats must be secured to the marina correctly and ropes maintained (see below)
No fishing from marina or hardstand.
No disposal of fish waste
No refueling
Disposal of old batteries must be in the provided battery recycling bin.
Old oil must be removed by the boat owner (do not leave near bins)
No major works to be undertaken on vessels. (eg: Sanding and painting)
Boat wash down with fresh water only.
RBYC marina is a single use plastic free zone.
Any outside contractors must sign in at the main reception