Foiling at RBYC

RBYC welcomes sailors from all classes, from big boats right down to foil boards. We are proud to be the home to the Victorian Institute of Sport’s foiling classes as well as being the home base for a number of foiling windsurfers, wing foilers and Waszps.

With Australian Sailing recently introducing their “Foil Labs”, Brighton now has the opportunity to teach sailors ages 14 to 23 how to get started!


A Foil-Lab is relevant no matter which foiling class a sailor chooses (Wind-Foil, Wing-Foil, Kite-Foil Sail-Foil) and provides a safe space for participants to learn and interact with a new type of sailing experience and equip themselves with new knowledge to take on any foiling class.  

During a Foil-Lab, participants learn the fundamentals that drive a hydrofoils performance, as well learn about the body and physical relationships that offer a path to proficiency. Mastering the basics gives more options to have more fun, more often. It also allows participants the foundation skills to chase performance in a range of modern performance sailing classes in a fun and fulfilling way. 

Foil Labs are the first step for anyone wishing to figure out what foiling is all about. Running as a one day course, foil labs cover a number of key concepts and set sailors up with the knowledge they need to continue down a foiling pathway. Additionally, these labs are fantastic opportunity to try before you buy as all the equipment needed for the day is provided by the club.

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The following video is produced by Australian Sailing giving you a closer look into what foil labs are all about!

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  • Foil Lab
    Foil Lab