Boat Register

Below is a register of RBYC vessels. Read more about the boat, the owners and what significance there is in the boat name.

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It’s a Privilege

Boat Name It’s a Privilege

Owners Peter and Susie Strain

Boat Rego/Sail Number B130

Boat Description Privilege 465

Origin of boat name

Previously owned by the agents for the Privilege brand in Sydney hence the name

Boat History

Imported in 2000 for day charter on Sydney Harbour. Sold to a Gold Coast Avocado farmer, who then sold it to us in 2007.

Highlights of your time as owner

Multiply trips up the East Coast to Queensland, Circumnavigation of Tasmania 2017. 10 Years racing in the multihull division Festival of Sails Geelong. Race record for the Goorangai Memorial Race Brighton to Queenscliff 2hours 34 minutes

What are your plans

Just further cruising