Boat Register

Below is a register of RBYC vessels. Read more about the boat, the owners and what significance there is in the boat name.

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Boat Name Papavero

Owners Jowett family

Boat Rego/Sail Number VF650

Boat Description 6.8m RIB used as a day trip boat or for waterskiing etc

Origin of boat name

Papavero means Poppy in Italian. Poppy,as he was known to his grandchildren, spent his life working in the merchant navy sailing large container ships and the like up the channel and into port in Melbourne. He died shortly before we got the boat but it was fitting to name an Italian designed and built boat in his memory – hence Papavero.

Boat History

Italboats is an Italian bit builder specialising in rigid inflatable boats.

Highlights of your time as owner

We have had plenty of fun times day tripping up the Yarra and across the bay to the peninsula, Williamstown and Port Arlington. We have done lots of waterskiing in Westernport bay as well as visiting the sand bar 3km off shore for an island of our own. One particular highlight was using her to go to the Melbourne Cup this year.

What are your plans

Looking forward to taking her down to Marlo next month for a long camping weekend