
Stonehaven Cup Regatta Success for RBYC

The 95th Stonehaven Cup Regatta was run at RMYS between the 7th – 11th Jan 2025.This is a youth regatta of 9 races sailed in RS Quests over 5 days. This year with 27 boats from 4 states & territories competing it is the largest fleet in many years and its is only growing. RBYC […]


Sail Melbourne Review

Perhaps you were at the club some time over the last four days, and saw some action.Some of you will have participated, either as competitors, or as volunteers with race management, or as helpers on the beach. Some will have casually dropped by for a coffee or a swim. All will have been struck by […]


GC Update – Club Captain

Spring, and it’s all about Wild Weather (43 m wave height at Kangaroo Island on BOM website last night surely a tech error!), boating safety, and Skippers’ Briefings. Wednesday September 11th and 18th at 6.30pm. If you’re a skipper who participates in any RBYC racing, choose one of these evenings, or nominate a substitute. Topics […]


GC Report – Club Captain

In the Members Bar, over the last three Wednesday evenings, Skippers’ Fora have been held for Off the Beach boats, Keelboats, and One Design boats. These evenings are an opportunity for communication between skippers and interested crew, Race Officers Rod McKenna and Paul Pascoe, and me as Club Captain. We talk about what’s gone well, […]


News from Club Captain

RBYC links us with the sea – we sail, we swim, we see the glory of the water. I have spent the last three weeks sailing from RBYC to southern Tasmania and back. This is a different experience from sailing in The Bay, although many of the same skills are needed. For me, the added […]

Club Newsletter

Summer Means Outdoors.

For Sydney-to-Hobart racers, Christmas Day meant flying to Sydney, taking seasickness tablets prophylactically, and absorbing the nerves and media buzz at CYCA.Boxing Day at RBYC started with free early-morning egg and bacon rolls in the cafe. Sailors then headed off to join the large fleet competing in the Cock of the Bay race to Mornington. […]

Club Newsletter

News From GC

With daylight saving beginning and the weather warming up it’s great to see increased activity around the club. After racing and cruising in warmer places many RBYC boats have returned to our marina. Others are currently preparing to race in Malta and ocean racers are gearing up for the blue water races. Whether you’re a […]

Club Restaurant

Welcome New Club Captain

My name is Marnie Irving, and as of the AGM last week, I have taken over from Brett Heath as Club Captain at RBYC. My sailing interest began via my kids; cooking sausages for the sabot sailors, carrying 12 foot cadets over the sand from the Jock Sturrock centre, and then tending bruises to a […]