
Opening Day Review

The blustery conditions on Opening Day didn’t deter either the official boat or the more intrepid competitors. Our Photographer Paula Marszalek captured the action – have a look at her wonderful photos below.

Club Captain Marnie Irving awarded the prizes in the members bar, with the Pursuit Race won by Serendipity. In the One Design classes, Glenn Ferguson won the 2.4 division in Vim. Charles Stanton in Amazing Grace represented the Dragons and the Sail Past was also attended by several Lasers, VX Ones and Etchells. David Williamson and crew won a prize for best salute to the Commodore. Chakana won “Best Dressed Boat”.  Third place for “Best Dressed Crew”  was won by República with their algae themed costumes, second place was won by the Joan Ellen crew who repeatedly outdo themselves with their coordinated costumes, and first was won by the Another Chapter Jellyfish. Everyone enjoyed a great time in the members bar and delicious paella on “Under the Sea” themed deck. Thanks to the staff and volunteers for ensuring this was a terrific Opening of the sailing season

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