
Commodores Report 8/10/24

After a long cold winter, we all look forward to the sailing season with great anticipation. In the lead up to Opening Day, yachts are prepared, crew are rounded up and the plans made for the coming season. Over the next few months our Club has very busy schedule of Club racing at all levels, the Etchells World Championships, Sail Melbourne and a number of national and state titles. In addition to the on-water activities, we also have our 150th Celebrations.

This year, Opening Day started with members and invited guests assembling in the Members’ Bar for the traditional blessing of the fleet by the Reverend Ian Morrison from St Andrews in Brighton followed by a speech from our Guest of Honour, Captain Thomas Doherty from the Royal Australian Navy, representing our Patron, Commodore Greg Yorke CSC RAN.

In his speech, Captain Doherty spoke, of his love of sailing, of the importance of the navy to Australia’s security and prosperity, the role of volunteers and the training and development of young people. He noted that volunteers are “the lifeblood of all clubs, the many volunteers, whether on the water or through committee work or the very demanding cycle of maintenance, repair and refurbishment.” Echoing the words of our Club Captain, could I please ask all sailors and members consider volunteering for just one day of the coming season.

Commenting on the development of young people, the Captain noted that “This is key for any future club or organisational success and what you will pass on to them through your endeavours will be immeasurable. The building of character and resilience just some of the many attributes“. Re-engaging with our young sailors is a key objective of the General Committee and we are still looking for our junior General Committee observer.

Following the traditional firing of the gun, the Blue Ensign was unfurled on the new flagpole and 2024-25 sailing season was officially open.

Despite the untimely arrival of a cold front and accompanying wind and rain during the afternoon, a significant number of boats, decorated with naval flags and crew embracing the “Under the Sea” theme, participated in the Sail Past and Opening Day race. Conditions were far from pleasant, and yachts reefed down as they sailed the short course. On behalf of members, I’d like to thank you for all those who braved the conditions, the volunteers, Past Commodore Peter Strain for the loan of It’s a Privilege and to the Social Sub-Committee and RBYC staff for organising the day’s activities.

Wishing you fair winds and following seas and remember no bananas at sea.

Peter Demura