
GM Report

Forecourt Re-development

The scaffolding has been removed from the front of the club, revealing the new shape. Several milestones have now been reached or are about to be.

  • The Committee Room is complete, and you’ll see its much lighter and brighter.
  • CCTV cameras have been installed on the upper and lower carparks and in the new entrance.
  • The site office is in the process of being removed, which will free up more carparking.
  • You’ll see the surface of the driveway is currently being prepared
  • With the admiralty flagpole now located on the beach side, a smaller flagpole will be installed at the front of the club.

We expect it all to be complete by the end of October and thank members for their patience during the construction – we do realise it has been inconvenient. We hope that once it is all done, you will appreciate the greater accessibility to the club.