23-24 Annual Cocktail Party

Incorporating Trophy Presentations

The 2023 – 2024 end of season cocktail party (incorporating trophy presentation) was held on Friday 12th. With over 150 club members attending there was great representation from the non sailing members as well as the sailors and its was great to see a large number of new members also turning up.

The MC for the evening was Peter Demura Vice Commodore who also announced the “non-Sailing” trophies, Club Captain Marnie Irving announced the major Sailing trophies, with all seasons’ trophies displayed in the members bar. Commodore Niesje Hees welcomed new members as well as guests from other clubs and announced the major Club awards.

As with last year the theme was Canapes and Cocktails with an emphasis of a club celebration night for all not just all about the sailing awards, in fact the presentations only ran for 40 mins which seems to be popular format but still allowed time to congratulate the winners.

The RBYC hospitality team again did a magnificent job in both the food service and quality, there was a great variety of food and plenty of it being served both in the Member’s bar and Bayview room, so no one went hungry.

This year we opted for a DJ rather than a band which was a great call and the music and atmosphere provided was excellent, we thank DJ Steve for making it a great night and getting the dance floor pumping.

Paula from Mars Creative once again was the official photographer and she worked the rooms to ensure there are some great photos to look back on. The images from the night can be view via this LINK and use your email and password RBYC_PRES_24, remember you can order prints directly from her.

So remember this is not just an evening for sailors it’s a evening for all club members to celebrate the season, catch up with old friends and meet new ones, we hope to see many more of our members at the 2025 event.

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