
GC Report – Cath Hurley

Staying alive in winter!

I recently attended an excellent winter safety briefing organised by our Iceberger members in the lead up to winter.

There was a reminder about the risks of hypothermia and how to detect it in others and the need to swim, sail or kayak with others, and ensure someone knows you’re going out.

It’s a long time since I did my last first aid course and lots of things have changed. Most importantly defibrillators are everywhere. What I hadn’t realised is that anyone can use them. They actually talk to you and tell you exactly what to do. So if you’re first on the scene don’t be afraid to use them.

RBYC has three defibrillators. One next to the disabled toilet near the change rooms, one in the first aid cupboard on the hardstand and one in the sailing office. If you are on the hardstand remember you can open the door with the handle to get out onto the pier and go ashore.

In an emergency the person on the scene needs to call 000 as they will ask lots of questions about the patient, so don’t waste time calling the office. Direct the ambulance to the pier so they don’t get lost, particularly over the next few weeks while our front entrance is being replaced.

Hopefully none of this information will be needed but with the Winter Sailing Series and the Icebergers Winter Solstice Swim almost upon us it’s important to have safety front and centre.

Enjoy winter at the club!

Cath Hurley