Course Types

Course Description
Start/Finish Location

Boat/Boat – Both the start and finish are located either side of the Committee Boat (see Windward/Leeward diagram below)

Tower/Tower – Both the start and finish are located from the fixed start line from the Tower on the RBYC breakwater out to the fixed mark (RBYC 6).

Boat/Tower – The start is from the Committee Boat and the finish at the Tower on the RBYC breakwater out to the fixed mark (RBYC 6).

Club Marks

These courses are around marks in the general vicinity of RBYC.

Fleet Start – All boats start at the same time with results calculated using ratings or performance handicaps assigned to each boat.

Pursuit Race – Each boat is allocated a starting time, with slower boats starting first and faster boats progressively later. Results are then based on the first across the finish line.

Passage Race

These courses are generally longer races around fixed marks outside the close vicinity of RBYC. Club run passage races use the marks shown. ORCV run Passage races may cover the entire Bay, or out the heads to coastal finishes or beyond.


These courses have a start and finish either start of the committee boat. It is a simple up/down course, either with a single weather mark or a weather mark and and offset mark as shown. Generally there is a gate at the bottom of the course and boats must pass as shown through the gate and around either gate mark.

There are subtle variations on this type of course. To get the specific course layout please refer to the relevant Sailing Instructions for each race.