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Commodores Report August

Marina Dredging

The General Committee is acutely aware of the sand build up within the marina. Now that the boating channel is cleared, we are planning the dredging within the marina. The Club has a 10 year permit for dredging established in 2019. Discussions with Parks Victoria and our Marine Consultants Water Technology have advised that the current permit should cover this event, but we are now cross checking as Department of Lands, Water and Planning are also involved. We are in the process of seeking quotes from suitable contractors. Unfortunately, this is proving very difficult, and the most likely result is we need to plan for this to be done Winter next year.  

Marina Attenuator

The wave attenuator at the north end of the marina is showing severe signs of deterioration with the waler on the south side cracked again. Consulting engineers have designed a major welded repair installing three plates around the break. Finding suitable welding contractors available has been extremely difficult but we believe that we now have a welding contractor confirmed and hopefully the repair will be achieved in the next couple of weeks. Please be assured we have been doing continuous maintenance on this attenuator for years. Witt Marine have been replacing and tightening through rods routinely. Thanks to support from Cam Ewart new rub collars have been installed with more to go. Currently with these recent storms 6 through rods have broken loose and these are planned to be replaced this week. This attenuator is now not expected to last the proposed new 21 year lease with Parks Victoria. The Marina and Attenuator Steering Group is working through all possible options for a replacement.

Marina Seabed Lease

Negotiations are continuing. The Surveyor General visited the site this last week, unfortunately the previous benchmarks are mostly gone and recent discussions have highlighted the fact that the area of the hardstand, previously a lease with DELWP lapsed some time back in the early 1990’s this will now be incorporated in the new Parks Lease. With the concerns around the need for replacing the attenuator the Club is seeking to add and area to the north so as to allow for up to 14 extra big boat pens on the north side of arm 6 by moving the replacement wave barrier to the north. The result of all these the new total lease area is now planned to be formally surveyed.   

As with all these issues we will keep members informed