Only 4 days to go before the start of our 150th Regatta on Saturday 29th March.
As Commodore, I’d like to invite you to take part in this historic event. Following feedback from boat owners, there will be only one keelboat event consisting of a passage race for Division 1, 2 and C and a Cruising event. In addition to the Jubilee and VXOne State Titles, all RBYC keelboat and one-design events will take place on Saturday 29th March.
On Sunday, there will be OTB racing as well as a continuation of Jubilee, VXOne State Titles.
More specifically:
- Keelboats will race one passage race for Division 1, 2 and C on Saturday only.
- Keelboat Cruise is for those that do not want to race on Saturday only.
- Etchells, Dragons, 2.4mR will sail up to three windward/leeward races Saturday only
- VxOnes and Jubilees will sail up to six windward/leeward races Saturday and Sunday
- ILCA, RS100s ,Quests, 29ers and Optimists will sail up to 3 windward/leeward races on Sunday only.
In addition to the sailing event there are a few social events.
On Friday night prior to the Regatta, there will be a special evening in the Members’ Bar with music to dance to, bar snacks and of course the weekly members’ draw. Also on show will be the new RBYC Celebration Trophy.
As part of the Regatta, we have set aside Saturday afternoon for families and our junior sailors. Starting at 3.00pm there is a range of activities especially for our younger members including, beach games, face painting, try sailing, RHIB rides, sail painting and a sausage sizzle. From 2pm to 4pm families will have the opportunity to have a tour of a “fire engine on water”. Fire Rescue Victoria has kindly offered to bring FRV’s Fireboat to RBYC and this will be tied up alongside our marina.
Finally there will be presentations on Saturday and Sunday after racing with complimentary bar snacks.
An amended notice of race has been issued and if you’ve not already entered the event you can do so on the RBYC website using the sailing tab and selecting 150th Regatta. The Sailing Instructions will be available from Wednesday 26th March and if you have any questions please contact the Boating Office
Wishing you fair winds and following seas and remember no bananas at sea.
Peter Demura