
Youth Member heads to China

RBYC Youth member Charlie Chidlow is one of the six Australian children who have been selected to participate at the 2024 VIODA-Qingdao International Optimist Training Camp and Regatta 2024. It will take place from the 4th to the 11th of September in Qingdao – the Olympic sailing city of China.

This is a significant achievement for Charlie and we’re so proud and excited for him. Participating in this regatta will be an incredible cultural experience, as well as a valuable opportunity to learn about competing internationally. 

As Charlie said: “When I jumped in an Opti for the first time, doing Tackers at RBYC, it clicked with me easily. But I never thought that I would have an opportunity like this. I want to bring back memories that I can rely on whenever I am having a tough day on the lake or on the bay. I cannot guarantee a place on the podium, but I can promise you I will work hard to create a great memory for VIODA, RBYC and myself.”

Charlie will celebrate his 12th birthday while he is in China, which feels like a fitting celebration. He’ll be thrilled to share his experience with others on his return.