
Keelboat Race Entry 2024-2025

The results system has now been setup for all races up to the end of 2024 and it is now time for boat owners to enter the series in which they wish to compete. In particular it is important that owners enter any pursuit races or series so that we can allocate start times in advance. And please only enter the series that you do intend to sail so that our results accurately reflect the entries for the series.
You can enter club races either from the club’s phone app, or on your PC.

From your phone
  1. Click on the Club Race Entry button.

2. You will then see a list of Keelboat Series. If you know the Series you wish to enter, click on the checkbox on the left for each series and click Save. And you are all done

3. If you are not sure what dates the series covers, you can click on the name of the series and the system will show you the dates of the races in the series. Then click enter from this page.

4. To view all of the races that you have entered, click on the “View my Club Race Entries” and the system will list all of the races for all of the series that you have entered.

From your computer

Open a browser and go to

In the top right corner click on “Log in”, enter your email and password (do a password recovery if you can’t remember)

In the first blue box, click on Bulk Entry to Club Series and follow the same process as above.

And a suggestion

To view the complete calendar, go to the RBYC website, click on Calendar, and then download the Excel spreadsheet to view all of the events. Use this to decide which events/races you wish to enter, then go onto the website to enter the series you have chosen.

After you have entered, use the “View my Club Race entries” to list what is effectively the boat’s sailing calendar which you can then cut/paste and share with your crew.