
GC Update – Club Captain

Spring, and it’s all about Wild Weather (43 m wave height at Kangaroo Island on BOM website last night surely a tech error!), boating safety, and Skippers’ Briefings.

Wednesday September 11th and 18th at 6.30pm. If you’re a skipper who participates in any RBYC racing, choose one of these evenings, or nominate a substitute.

Topics will include Sign On procedures, Sail Pass requirements for guest crew, helping out with Race Management, boat Safety Audits, MOB / POB (person overboard), Association Cup, and staying in touch.

Racing can be fun, a great way to be with mates, to be ‘in the moment’, to improve sailing skills. But it also has risks. Being well-informed helps ameliorate risks and is good insurance.

See you in a week or two, and keep watching the weather.

Marnie Irving, Club Captain.