
Cruising Group News

Last Friday, Cruising Group hosted a very successful and enjoyable Guest Speaker Dinner, with around 60 members and friends attending. Cheyne O’Brien and John Dudley from the BOM enlightened us on the science of marine forecasting, and the factors that impact Port Phillip weather. We are now all aware of the influence of the “Kilmore Gap” and can appreciate the gridding granularity behind graphical displays of various vendors forecasts. The discussion engendered a keen Q&A session that could have gone on all night. Our thanks to Cheyne and John.

In September, our guest speaker will be Gordon Syme from Yachtmaster, who will be presenting on Sailing in the Greek Islands. Sounds enticing in the middle of a Melbourne winter. Put Friday, September 20th in your calendars.

The Annual Progressive Dinner rolls around in October (Friday the 18th). Please let Jo Walker know if you can volunteer to host either a main course or a dessert on your boat.

In November, Wayne and Ally Sollars will be telling us about circumnavigating the world in their yacht Blue Heeler. (Friday November 15th)

And to close the year out, we will be holding the annual Hardstand Christmas Party on Saturday 7th December.