
GC Report – Club Captain

In the Members Bar, over the last three Wednesday evenings, Skippers’ Fora have been held for Off the Beach boats, Keelboats, and One Design boats. These evenings are an opportunity for communication between skippers and interested crew, Race Officers Rod McKenna and Paul Pascoe, and me as Club Captain. We talk about what’s gone well, changes that could possibly be made, the calendar of club races and regattas. We touch on safety issues and racing protocols, on post-racing activities, and a mixture of gripes and compliments. A lot of information is available in the weekly newsletters, and on the website, especially under Calendars. If you cannot find the answer for which you’re searching, or you would like to make a suggestion, or have a concern, please let us know by contacting the Boating Manager Colin Burgess on [email protected].

In September, before the start of the new season, there are two more skippers’ evening events; namely, Skippers’ Briefings. Attendance at one of these is essential, either by the skipper or their 2IC. Please put the dates in your diary – Wednesday Sept 10th and 17th, at 18.30.

Best wishes for your winter sailing,
