MEMBER NEWS: A large contingent of Cruising Group members spent several days this past week “land cruising” to Halls Gap and exploring the Grampians. By all accounts, a grand time was had by all. At the same time Rear Commodore Peter Gebhardt and Alison have abandoned Melbourne for the warm climes of Queensland and were last seen cruising in the Whitsundays.
The April social event will be the Blues Train from Queenscliff on the evening of Saturday April 20th. At least 20 cruisers have booked for this, with some sailing down to Queenscliff ahead of the event. Because of this, there will not be the usual 3rd Friday Dinner in April. If you would like to come along on the Blues train on the 20th, please book directly on the website ( Those already booked will be in Carriage “D”
The next scheduled on water cruising event will be the Frostbite Cruise, over the weekend of June 29th/30th. Save the date and join us in Docklands for a potluck dinner to celebrate mid-winter.