
Message from Commodore

The most important advice I’ve heard all year is “Be kind”. More about that later.

First, I want to acknowledge the many groups of people who have contributed to RBYC over the past year to help make the club what it is.

• To all the sailors competing over the next month, whether that be ocean racing, bay racing or off the beach racing – fair winds and stay safe.
• To the staff at RBYC – thank you so much for helping us build a vibrant friendly club. As the rest of us wind down you are exceptionally busy, and we are very appreciative of this – we hope you have time to prepare for your own end-of-year celebrations.
• To the sailors, swimmers, gym users and social members of our club, we thank you for making this an inclusive place where members want to be.
• To the Sailing Lifts your Spirits team and volunteers and their guests, the first responders and heathcare workers who take care of us – thank you for all you do, recognising this time of year can be especially challenging.
• To the General Committee, subcommittees and club volunteers, thank you for progressing the projects and day to day tasks that keep our club moving forward, and for being so much fun to work with!
• To the on-water volunteers, we realise you will have just a short break before you are in full on “regatta mode” during January, and we are grateful for your ongoing willingness to support these important events.

I read an article some time ago which quoted people about their life’s regrets. These were not about missed opportunities or failures in their own lives, but times they have neglected to show understanding and kindness. The busier we are the quicker we are to rush to judgement about the behaviour of others, not taking the time to understand their perspective or what difficulties they are going through themselves. Showing kindness is simple but may take a conscious effort – it is well worth the trouble for your own health as well as that of others.

As we approach the end of 2023, we are thinking of those experiencing terrible floods and bushfires in other parts of the country. We wish them all best with the long process of recovery.

Stay safe, be kind, and we’ll see you in 2024.

Niesje Hees (Commodore)