
Sailing Lifts Your Spirits

Information Night Thursday 16 November

Sailing Lifts Your Spirits is back for the summer season and on Thursday there is a kickoff meeting for everyone: whether you have been involved in the past, curious about what we are doing or are already keen to get involved

So please join us, this Thursday evening (16 Nov), in the RBYC Members Bar at 6pm, for the Sailing Lifts Your Spirits kick off event for this season.

We will start with some time to socialise with skippers and crew, followed by a short introduction to the program for our new supporters.

Then we will have some time to talk about last season: what worked well, what we could improve, what’s new and what stays the same.

We will talk about safety and fun and who benefits from Sailing Lifts Your Spirits events and how.

Lastly, we will have time to enjoy a meal together.It is open to everyone to attend, let us know by email or Register Here to make sure that chef will have enough food to feed us all.