Well, it’s not long now until the new season gets underway, and we have a bit on. I thought it would be a good time to update you all on what’s coming up.
Over the next few weeks, we have skippers’ briefings, a MOB information session, and a Race Management evening. These provide invaluable information and I encourage all members to get involved.
Our kick-off is the 7th of October with Opening Day. The Sail Past and the fun race will be happening again (weather dependent) we will need you to register your intentions so we can plan the day and make it run smoothly.
We have several regattas between October and February which will need volunteers for (if you are not participating). The first one is the One Design Keelboat Regatta, 4th & 5th Nov, New to the calendar we are hoping it will grow to be an annual event.
Sail Melbourne (an off-the-beach regatta) is earlier this year being held from 30 Nov – 4 Dec. This event requires a lot of help from volunteers both on and off the water and we hope you can get involved, from race management to helping on the beach there is a role for everyone and it’s a fantastic event to be involved in.
January kicks off with the Stonehaven Cup (3 – 7th), a youth regatta sailed in Quests between clubs and at the same time the 12ft Cadets Open Championship. We hope that both the junior members and their parents get involved with this and support our team.
Also in January on the 15th – 19th we are hosting the VXONE Nationals and on the 26th – 28th the 2.4 Nationals, all of which will need race management volunteers from boat drivers to scribes and all jobs in between.
In terms of club racing, Twilight racing starts on 11th October. This is a great way for those not too familiar with racing to get involved in a fun and relaxed way. The perfect way to get out on your boat with friends and family and enjoy what the bay can offer without it being stressful.
Weekly OTB Sunday racing kicks off on 8th October. All fleets are welcome, and we hope to see many more boats on the start line this year, Again, this needs Race Management and is a great way to get familiar with what’s involved in a more relaxed format and learn more about running racing.
All of this along with our regular Saturday club racing, makes RBYC a very busy club and without the help from members it would not be possible, so I hope we can see some new faces to the already great race management team. Speak with me to find out how you can get involved or come along to the Race Management Information session on Thursday 21st, at 6.30 pm in the member’s bar
For those who are not interested in racing why not check out the cruising group events? This is a great bunch of members who organise several events each year from evening guest speakers to short trips on the bay and of course the big Bass Strait cruise from the middle of February.
So, in conclusion, there is something for all members so please look at the calendars and see how you can get involved. We are looking forward to, yet another great season and we hope to see all of you on the water as much as possible in whatever capacity you can.
Remember if you have any questions come and see me in the sailing office or email [email protected] . You can also find out more about all our events on the website so please jump on https://rbyc.org.au/
Colin Burgess
Boating Manager
Boating Manager Report