I had so much fun on Sunday! At the Quests’ Training Day, an event linked to BLiSS (‘Brighton Ladies’ Skipper Series’), and most generously sponsored by YRSA, designer of AMS rating system. So much fun learning, being involved in Club activities, being in a dinghy in a gorgeous 10 knots. Chloe and her colleagues were calm, kind, and clear in their roles as coaches.
The Sailing Office runs a variety of training activities, Learn to Sail courses for adults and children, and private lessons.
Speak to someone in the Sailing Office (the room near the exit to the beach), ask at Reception, or look on the RBYC website.
Next Sunday, April 30th, is the annual BLiSS regatta: 3 windward-leeward courses with a female at the helm, followed by a sparkling celebration in the cafe. Do sign up for racing or as a Race Management volunteer (minimal experience needed). Ring or email Colin Burgess at [email protected] You’ll enjoy being engaged!
News From GC, 26 April