While most of us were enjoying the blustery Easter weekend indoors, six intrepid boats started the trip to Port Fairy with four finishing the “character building” race. Congratulations to all crews and especially to the RBYC crew on Jaffa – links to reports and results are further down in this newsletter. Fortunately, the cutting wind didn’t stop the music at the club on Saturday and Sunday, as part of the Chandon Garden Spritz Easter weekend.
There is still great sailing scheduled for the rest of this season. In the meantime, several of the club’s projects are moving ahead, though some are progressing more slowly than we’d like.
• The new marina gate is held up waiting for one essential part to arrive. Fingers crossed we will see it installed before the end of April.
• Dredging inside the marina is awaiting essential sediment testing. This is a prerequisite to receiving the necessary dredging permit and will determine where the disposal site will be. Once this is known we will be able to send a Request for Proposal to dredging contractors. For such a major project it will be important to complete appropriate due dilligence before entering into a contract, even if it means a delay in the dredging.
• We have given the go-ahead for the club architect to prepare a tender package for the forecourt redevelopment, incorporating a new façade and front driveway for drop offs. The target date for these improvements is winter 2024.
The Assets sub-committee and Marina and Attenuator Advisory Group have a close eye on these projects, and we’ll keep members informed.
We sailors will enjoy what’s remaining of the summer sailing season, while realising many of the swimmers are actually looking forward to the colder weather. All of us can enjoy the club through winter (the new menu looks terrific) and I hope to see you at Presentation Night on 14 July.
Commodore’s report