Are there any non racing boat owners who might be interested in experiencing a race or two in their own boat but would appreciate some advice/assistance?
Our Wednesday night twilights are the ideal intro to racing and we can help with some experienced racing sailors willing to crew for you and help explain how a race works including rules, strategy, boat speed optimisation etc…more

Sailing and Office News

IMPORTANT -Bike Storage

Push Bike storage in the under cover carpark is for RBYC boat owners only with a boat in the marina or hardstand. Bikes must be stored in the allocated spots and have a RBYC registration tag attached. These tags are obtained from reception and you must attach them to your bike.
There any many bikes that are not being used and we have new members wishing to store their bikes. Any bike that does not have a tag by the end of February will be removed and given to charity.
To get your tag please pop into the main reception and they will procedure one for you. Please also remember bikes are stored at owners risk.

Race Communications

A reminder that when racing all communications are to be directed to the Race Officer and Start boat team on VHF 77. If you plan to retire or not start then communication with the start boat is your first point of contact. If you are unable to raise the start boat and RO then you can communicate you intentions to RBYC Tower or RBYC Base.

Penalties for not signing on for racing

A reminder that if you do not sign on for a race you will be scored a 3 point penalty that could mean that a great day on the water ends up with a bad result. If you have any questions about signing on then please contact the sailing office.

Keelboat News

Check Your Boats

A reminder for all boats on the marina to check that your boat is correctly secured in its pen and with all lines in good order. There are still a number of boats with their bows over the walk way which is a safe hazard and many boats with incorrect lines (type of rope and position) or lines that are not longer suitable for the job due to deterioration. It is a requirement that your vessel is secured correctly.

Twilight BBQ

This week the twilight DIY BBQ will be located on the members balcony. You will need to order and collect your food from the café. It looks like a it's going to be a wonderful evening so why not make the most of it and enjoy a meal with your crew and fellow members.

Quest Experience

This year we are offering a TRAINING DAY for competitors ahead of the regatta, in the Club’s Quest sailing dinghies for a nominal fee. This is made possible with the generous support of the Yacht Racing Services Association (YRSA).
Keelboat sailors often say that the best way to hone your skills is in a one design dinghy.
This hands-on opportunity puts theory into practice.
Improve your sailing confidence as well as race tactics.

Book Now

BLiSS Regatta QE

OTB News

RBYC Youth members doing well

Having competed at the Olympic IQ National Championships this weekend at RQYS, the girls did RBYC proud. Lottie is woman's youth national champion and Harriet is third youth girl and overall junior winner. Great team Wormald event.

OTB Racing

Although the wind was not suitable for all the OTB classes on Sunday, we did have 7 Lasers that took to the race course. 25+ wind and up to 2m seas made for interesting and tiring sailing. But it also shows the skill level of the RBYC laser fleet. This weekly event is open to OTB class boats. Want to get involved, contact Chad in the sailing office.

Cruising News

Guest Speaker Dinner

Guest Speaker Dinner
To kick off 2023’s Guest Speaker Dinner Programme, we are delighted to have Robina and Brenton Smith entertain and inform us with tales of their 2021 Coral Sea passages. A chance encounter in a laundry and chandlery led Robina and Brenton Smith to participate two handed in the ‘Beyond the Barrier Rally’ between COVID lockdowns in August, 2021, in Chakana, …

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Sailing Lifts Your Spirts

Sailing Lifts Your Spirits is in full swing on Thursday nights. Our charity proactively supports the wellbeing of our First Responders and Frontline Healthcare workers through the provision of no-cost and ongoing sailing experiences designed to thank them for their service in protecting us all and offer a pathway to defend themselves against the cumulative stressors of their work lives. …

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Other Club News

Members Draw 10th Feb

No Winner
Jackpots to $750 17th Feb


All 3
Safety & Sea Survival Course - Sunday February 12th
A comprehensive course looking at how to avoid putting yourself and crew into a situation when at sea and if that should happen, what do you then do. An accrediated Australian Sailing course, experienced offshore sailors and trainers take you through online the theory content and then join you for the in-person day to complete the theory, review and practical sessions. All dates for 2023 are open for booking, the next course on Feb 12th aimed at making sure all crews are compliant for King Island. Book the full course or refresher course here www.orcv.org.au
Melbourne to King Island - Friday March 10th
This popular destination race provides crews the opportunity to experience category 2 ocean racing over 114nm. It's a special destination with amazing food, hospitality, and a deep safe harbour. Entries will be capped due to berthing and can be entered here https://www.orcv.org.au/sailing/races/king-island
ORCV Rip Tour of Port Phillip Heads - Sunday March 19th
“The Rip” is the narrow entrance to Port Phillip, where underwater reefs limit the navigable entrance to just 0.6nm and provides a restricted tidal flow between the ocean and Port Phillip, where over 4,000 commercial vessels transit annually.
Once a year, the ORCV runs an on-water tour from a large ferry looking at the navigation aids, tides, how to and which channels to use, radio protocols etc for a safe transit of the heads.
The tour runs inside the bay but travels around the head's region and offers not only an educational experience but a great day on the water.
learn more and book here https://www.orcv.org.au/training/rip-tour-of-port-phillip-heads
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