Our Club Captain Brett Heath and our boating manager Colin Burgess, with others’ help, plan racing and regattas months or even years in advance. One event on our annual calendar is BLiSS; namely, Brighton Ladies’ Skipper Series. It’s still half a year away, (on Sunday 1st May,) but worth keeping in mind. Worth it because, as the old adage goes, …
Regatta Volunteers Needed
Registration for volunteers is now open for Sail Melbourne 2023 & RS100 Nationals . There are many options to be involved in from on water and on the beach. Its a great way to see what a international regatta is like and learn new skills.
Lady Nelson Trophy Race - November 19th
Race Entry Now Open : You must enter this series separately to other RBYC races . Enter HERE
The Lady Nelson Trophy was donated by Past Commodore A. W. Finlay (1946/47) to encourage yachts on the RBYC register to compete in long-distance overnight racing around Port Phillip. In recent years the interest in this type of racing has greatly diminished. As a result, Sailing Committee is seeking to regenerate interest in racing for the trophy by introducing a race …
Australian Championships (Range Series)
Information on racing and race entry is not yet available. The event dates are
Attention Keelboat skippers & Sailors - Crew finder system
Many of you are often looking for crew to help you get on the water for racing. With the club Sign On App we are able to help you connect with those looking to sail and boats looking for crew using a feature call Crew Matching. This feature allows crew and skippers to get directly in contact and discuss what they are after, then on the day they sign in as per usual using the QR code.
Crew Sign On: QR Codes
To help the process of signing new crew onto your boat we have QR codes available for skippers to collect from the Sailing Office that can be placed on you boats. This will allow you to sign new sailors as either regular or one off and allow them to use their own smart device. Please collect these QR codes from the Sailing Office
Become a RBYC Race Management Volunteer
We are still looking for more volunteers to help run racing . Ours Saturday and Sunday schedule is busy and there are many opportunities .
November Calendar
OTB News
All OTB classes Sunday Racing Reminder
Please ensure your boats Sail Number is yours and yours alone. Scoring has proven extremely challenging to date with 5 No Name Laser entries last Saturday. We want to give you accurate results but need to know who is sailing with which sail number.
OTB Race Management Volunteers needed for Sunday racing
If you are able to find some Sundays to help run the OTB racing then please contact chad on [email protected]
One Design News
The one Design division of the Lipton Cup will not be run this weekend. Instead, Club Coach Laura Thomson will be running non-aggregate sprint racing for the one design fleets on Saturday 12 Nov. Start time is 1400.
Four of our 2.4 fleet will be participating in the ACT State Titles this coming weekend; Peter Coleman, Glenn Norton, Mark Seagar and Malcolm Ware. On Sunday the team was getting ready. New 2.4 owner Ryan Epstein brought his dog Jangoo to help out. The fleet is going from strength to strength and we wish them all the best with the regatta.
Cruising Group News
Friday 18th Nov: Monthly Guest Speaker Dinner. 7:30pm, Bayview Room. Speaker TBA
Saturday 3rd December: Annual Hardstand Christmas Party.
2023 Bass Strait Cruise in Company.
- Scheduled to take place from Saturday February 25th to Monday March 13th As usual, we plan to gather at Queenscliff on the first Saturday, before heading off.
- Information Night for those who may be interested, to be held on Friday, December 9th, 2022.
Training News
Weekend Training Adults & Kids
December/January School Holiday Programs - Open for bookings
DECEMBER Week 1 – Monday 12th to Friday 16th (9am to 12pm)
Week 2 – Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd (9am to 1pm)
Week 3 – Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th (9am to 1pm)
Week 4 – Monday 9th to Thursday 12th (9am to 1pm)
Week 5 – Monday 23rd to Friday 27 (EXCLUDING 26th) (9am to 1pm)
Club News & Events
Summer Pool Competition: FINAL REMINDER
The summer pool competition entries are now open. All members welcome and free of charge. There are two competitions Singles Pool Pot Black Trophy Doubles Pool Doubles Pool Trophy The emphasis is on having fun and meeting new friends at the Yacht Club. Even if you are not a regular player, a good half hour beckons. Get your name …
Last Draw: Friday 28th October
Drawn at 7pm in the Members Bar you must be onsite to win
Peter Robinson Senior Beata Silber Crew Plus Chris Kenny Gym Chris Kenny Gym Jonathan Elam Senior Jan Byrne Social Mark Johnston Social Lucy Smy Social Paul Kenny Social Stuart Ingram Social
We loved this photo from the Oaks Day Lunch “after party”. The club came alive with over 200 guests attending the lunch and raising money for life saving equipment for Sandringham Hospital. Thanks to the club member volunteers, staff, sponsors and supporters for ensuring a terrific event.
The Golden Gate Yacht Club website advertises themselves as Winner of the 33rd and 34th America’s Cup, and “the friendliest club on the bay”. Club member Patrick Purcell experienced this firsthand when he visited earlier this year. He had a wonderful evening there, which included an exchange of burgees, and was also presented with a commemorative coin. Last Friday evening Patrick presented the burgee and the coin to the RBYC Commodore.
THE Coasting SUP program has had some fantastic fun mornings already this season out in front of our club, with these participants (pictured ) loving their first experience on a SUP. Feeling adventurous….. go to www.coastingsup.com to book yourself into one of our group lessons or contact Sharon (SUP Instructor) Mobile: 0414531437 or email [email protected] 1:1 private lessons are also available.