RBYC 150th Anniversary Book.
The club will produce a book to celebrate its history, honouring the club and its members. It will be a historical souvenir for the club in 2025 and a reference for future generations to look back on in years to come.
The RBYC Commemorative book will be a collaborative production. We are seeking members to contribute with their own stories and photographs. The Commodore, Niesje Hees, and the General Committee support the book. The author is Don Warner.
The book’s structure will likely be broken down into decades since the club was founded in 1875. Within each decade, it may cover;
• Key points, vignettes or stories
• People
• Competitions
• Social
• Famous Sailors
• Famous Boats
• Facilities
• Safety
• Classes
• Other items of note, e.g. other Clubs / general Yachting
Over the coming summer and during 2024, we’ll be engaging with various RBYC Committees to introduce ourselves (Don & John) with the hope of getting further submissions and guidance on editorial content. The book’s final draft is due to be completed for printing by the end of summer 2025.
We welcome your submissions, which can be done below