ORCV Melbourne-Hobart Yacht Race.
Start at noon off Portsea pier, Tuesday 27th December.435 blue-water nautical miles out The Heads / through The Rip, across the choppy seas of Bass Strait with a tactical decision to sail east or west of King Island, down the wilderness west coast of Tassie and through the Southern Ocean swell rounding SW Cape, and finally into Storm Bay and …
While at the club over the next few weeks, consider an online donation to the Lighthouse Foundation, helping break the pattern of youth homelessness in Australia. You will see posters around the club and use the QR code, and can write your festive season wishes on one of the Wishing Tree tags provided - or simply head straight to the fundraising page.
The following is adapted from an email received by a member. We thought the sentiments really hit the mark so are sharing them with you.This year has been another unprecedented year with COVID still lurking, restrictions eased (thank goodness) but the stress, anxiety and general chaos ever present. Workloads and demands ramp up this time of year while weekends can …
Regatta Volunteers Needed
Registration for volunteers is now open for Sail Melbourne 2023, RS100 Nationals, George Mac & Etchells VIC Champs . There are many options to be involved in from on water and on the beach. Its a great way to see what a international regatta is like and learn new skills.
BLiSS Regatta - Quest Experience
The annual RBYC BLiSS regatta will be held on 30 April 2023 and is the last of the five Race Days of the Port Phillip Women’s Championship Series (PPWCS). This year we are offering a TRAINING DAY for competitors ahead of the regatta, in the Club’s Quest sailing dinghies for a nominal fee. This is made possible with the generous …
December Calendar
Training News
December/January School Holiday Programs - Open for bookings
Week 2 – December Monday 19th to Thursday 22nd (9am to 1pm)
Week 3 – January Tuesday 3rd to Friday 6th (9am to 1pm)
Week 4 – January Monday 9th to Thursday 12th (9am to 1pm)
Week 5 – January Monday 23rd to Friday 27 (EXCLUDING 26th) (9am to 1pm)
Tackers 1 Summer Holidays
Tackers 2 Summer Holidays
Tackers 3 Summer Holidays
OutThere 1 Summer Holidays
OutThere 2 Summer Holidays
OutThere 3 Summer Holidays
Adult Learn to Sail - January
Adult Dinghy Start Sailing 1 - January
Adult Dinghy Start Sailing 2 - January
Adult Dinghy Better Sailing Course (L3) - January
Last Draw: Friday 2nd December
Drawn at 7pm in the Members Bar you must be onsite to win
New Members
Pierre Kouvelis Senior Harry Atkinson Crew Christian Wright Social Dianne Allan Social Katherine Ramsay Social Jamie Catlin Social Susy Artico Social
This year the Cock of the Bay race will run from Port Melbourne and will finish at Mornington. With already 70 entries into the race, we do expect this year to be a big fleet with interstate crews joining the race before they head off on the 50th Melbourne to Hobart the next day. Please note, entries close on December 16th.
The shorter distance will allow those not entered in the Hobart race or joining the Petersville regatta to enjoy a great day out on the water to work off those excesses of Christmas and allow time to sail home or to another location (other than BYS) in time for sunset drinks.
ORCV Rip Tour of Port Phillip Heads
“The Rip” is the narrow entrance to Port Phillip, where underwater reefs limit the navigable entrance to just 0.6nm and provides a restricted tidal flow between the ocean and Port Phillip, where over 4,000 commercial vessels transit annually. Once a year, the ORCV runs an on-water tour from a large ferry looking at the navigation aids, tides, how to and which channels to use, radio protocols etc for a safe transit of the heads. The tour runs inside the bay but travels around the head's region, and offers not only an educational experience but a great day on the water. A great Christmas gift, learn more and book here https://www.orcv.org.au/training/rip-tour-of-port-phillip-heads