Nieje Commodre
As a club we have a lot to celebrate – this is only possible if all club members feel safe and respected while at the club, and it is our collective responsibility to ensure this. One of the key Pillars of our Strategy is Shared Values, that is, shared respect in the enjoyment of our waterfront location – to foster an active, inclusive and welcoming club.
The club has close to 1500 members and of course there is a diversity of personalities, backgrounds and priorities. This is one of our strengths and what keeps the club a vibrant and exciting place to be. At the same time, conflicts can arise, and kindness, tolerance and respect are essential and expected of all of us.

I have been angered and disappointed to find that some members have not found the club to be inclusive and are not being shown respect. Our rules have processes to assist in dealing with individual instances of inappropriate behaviour. However, I call on all members to help ensure the club’s values are truly shared.

There is no place in the club for;
  • Verbal abuse of staff or other members, no matter what the situation
  • Monopolising spaces intended for all members to enjoy (such as the library, unless it has been officially booked)
  • Misogyny or disrespectful comments about anyone
  • Being negligent in allowing club property to be damaged
When visiting the club it is important that you consider the needs of other members, and see things from their perspective.
  • If you forget your key, don’t expect another club member to let you in if they don’t know who you are. They are protecting the club.
  • There are times that club members are inconvenienced due to sailing events or functions, and it is inexcusable to take out frustrations on staff or other members.
  • Your club membership is not purely transactional – to be part of a club is to be part of a community and we are all expected to consider the needs of the club as a whole.
The General Committee, General Manager and staff of the club have a responsibility to undertake tasks and projects to maintain and improve the club for members and to support the club’s strategic pillars. However, the key unifying pillar is Shared Values – we are severely diminished without it . An inclusive culture of mutual respect is the backbone of the club.

Niesje Hees - Commodore

Sailing office News

Vic Sailing Champions League: RBYC takes 3rd

A big congratulations to the RBYC team of Thomas Holmes (Skipper) Phillip Cripsey, Anna Cripsey and Laura Thompson (Crew) in coming 3rd and now heading off the Asia Pacific final held in NSW in May this year. Results

PIF Regatta 2023

Hello boat owners. If you would like to get involved in this great event then please register via the below link .

reg 300x150 v (002)

RBYC Boats in Festival of Sails

Well done to the RBYC boats and crews who participated in the Geelong Festival of Sails!
Rating Series Division 0 - Hartbreaker (Tony Walton), Martini Racing 34 (Tony Cushieri)
Rating Series Division 1 – Reverie (Alan Woodward), BKT JAMHU (Phil Bedlington)
Multihull Series – It’s a Privilege (Peter Strain)
EHC Series Division 1 – Catouche (Steve Fahey), Just Chillin (David Morell)
EHC Series Division 2 – Foxy (Geoff Perks), True Colours (Geoff Adams), MEM (David Mileshkin), Cyan Moon (Maud Demazure), Coco (Philip Cormie)
EHC Series Division 3 – Wild Child (Marg Neeson), Nothing Too Serious (Chris Arnold/ Pat Archer)
Non-Spinnaker Series – Under Capricorn (Bruno Carreto), Next Page II (Peter Forbes)
Here is a link to the regatta photos and results. Some boats did only the passage race (Race 1) and others participated in the entire regatta
Festival of Sails © Salty Dingo 2022

Join the RBYC Race Management Team

RBYC racing calendar is busy all year. It is only with the help of our club members putting their hands up to help out we are able to maintain such an active sailing program. We are always looking for new members to join the race management team. There is a role for everyone and all are welcome from drivers to scribes and rescue teams. We are also always looking for those wanting to learn how to run races and become a Club Race Officer (RO)
If you are interested in helping out please Contact Chad in the sailing office.
0418 966 587

Return to Sailing BBQ 4th Feb

BYO food and drink barbecue on the hardstand – all members welcome. Gilligan’s Island theme from 4pm
square (18)

Keelboat News

Club Racing re commences in February.

Wednesday 1st: Hearnes Hero's and Twilight Racing
Saturday 4th: Victorian Championships/Brighton Championship (Hosted by SYC)
Sunday 5th: PPWCS Jennifer Goldsmith Race (RMYS)

New Food Option for Twilights - From 8th Feb

An new menu option of a Do it yourself BBQ pack will be available for purchase from 8th Feb. A great way to get to our sailors together after twilight racing. More details to follow.

Check your mooring lines

There are a large number of boats that are not suitably moored in their pens with poor or insufficient lines and a lack of fenders . Please also remember that the bow of the boat must not extend over the walkway. Vessels should be secured using Bow & Stern lines and Bow and stern springs. Please only use the allocated cleats for you pen. If the pen next to you is vacant please do not put a line from you boat across to that pen as it blocks access if required. Suitable rope should also be used that will allow for stretch. For details on RBYC docking requirements pleas read Dock Line Practices

Training News

Term 1 2023 Promotional poster
Term 1 2023 Promotional poster (2)
Term 1 will comprise of 6 sessions. First date 5th February. BOOK NOW

Members use of the quests.

RBYC allows it members to use the quest dinghy at no charge when they are not being used for training. Club members must be signed off by undertaking a Private lesson with one of the clubs Qualified instructors. This is to ensure you have the correct knowledge of rigging/de rigging, launching/Retrieval and of course suitable sailing skills . To book a dinghy please call the sailing the office at least 1 day prior. Boats are used at own risk and available 9am - 4pm. Please contact the sailing office to book your lesson. Cost is $130 for a 2 hr session

OTB News

RS 100 Nationals in Review

After 3 days of mixed racing a winner finally emerged. Daniel Gorton (holding trophy) .Day one was a hot and sunny light wind day suiting the lighter crews . Day 2 started of with a postponement while we waited for the weather to turn. It provided a very tricky day with large wind shift but the wind pressure that was expected did not show and ended up a long on the water. Day 3 started of grey and a bit damp and again the RO raised the AP flag giving the sailors more time to enjoy their breakfast, But by 12 noon they were on the water again and got 3 races in. A great regatta all round and we hope to seem them again next year . A shout out to those from the "Laser Squadron" that came down to help out on the beach with the trollies. RESULTS
the team
otb Working bee thin
Asking sailors from all OTB classes to come down on Sunday 5th and help tidy the yard and relay the matts on the beach. This will happen 11am and give time to complete the tasks and then hit the water for OTB racing. Tools will be provided but extra shovel's and rakes will be handy. Remember many hands make light work and this benefits all off the beach sailors so please get involved. Meet outside the sailing office to be allocated a task.

Stonehaven Cup heads to Tassie

The Stonehaven Cup will be travelling across Bass Strait. This impressive trophy will have pride of place at the 100 year 12 ft Cadet reunion being held at RYCT on 10 Feb, before returning to RMYS who currently hold trophy. It will make its next appearance at RBYC in January 2024, for the Stonehaven Cup and Cadet 100th anniversary regattas being hosted by RBYC

One Design News

2.4mR National Championships

8 of the RBYC 2.4's are heading down to Hobart to compete in the National Championships 4-6 Feb. Flying the flag for RBYC are Gary Barnyard, Glenn Norton, John Collingwood, Josh Stuchbery, Mark Seager, Neil Patterson, Peter Coleman and Raymond Smith. Follow their progress HERE
Peter Coleman's precious cargo

Cruising News

Bass Strait Cruise

Other Club News

Members Draw 27th Jan

No Winner
Jackpots to $650 3rd Feb
Fab Fridays in February
We are excited to announce our Fab Fridays in February – for our over 60’s ( male & female ) to come and join in our “Learn to SUP’ program,
following on from our successful Mother/Daughter program in January!
Select a Friday in February.
COST $65 x 1 HR lesson. All premium Fanatic equipment is supplied.
Have a friend or family member that you know would LOVE to join in or even better love to join in with you!
Just head to www.coastingsup.com to book in and we will look after the rest.
Over 60s Coasting Sup


All 3
Safety & Sea Survival Course - Sunday February 12th
A comprehensive course looking at how to avoid putting yourself and crew into a situation when at sea and if that should happen, what do you then do. An accrediated Australian Sailing course, experienced offshore sailors and trainers take you through online the theory content and then join you for the in-person day to complete the theory, review and practical sessions. All dates for 2023 are open for booking, the next course on Feb 12th aimed at making sure all crews are compliant for King Island. Book the full course or refresher course here www.orcv.org.au
Melbourne to King Island - Friday March 10th
This popular destination race provides crews the opportunity to experience category 2 ocean racing over 114nm. It's a special destination with amazing food, hospitality, and a deep safe harbour. Entries will be capped due to berthing and can be entered here https://www.orcv.org.au/sailing/races/king-island
ORCV Rip Tour of Port Phillip Heads - Sunday March 19th
“The Rip” is the narrow entrance to Port Phillip, where underwater reefs limit the navigable entrance to just 0.6nm and provides a restricted tidal flow between the ocean and Port Phillip, where over 4,000 commercial vessels transit annually.
Once a year, the ORCV runs an on-water tour from a large ferry looking at the navigation aids, tides, how to and which channels to use, radio protocols etc for a safe transit of the heads.
The tour runs inside the bay but travels around the head's region and offers not only an educational experience but a great day on the water.
learn more and book here https://www.orcv.org.au/training/rip-tour-of-port-phillip-heads
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